June 10 - Friday 15, 2007 at ULTRA Bag in Basel
Another Fairy Tale...*
At the crack of dawn in December 2006 it was rumored that a big
group is going to install another satellite art fair into
the already branded art landscape of Miami. It is announced as ULTRA - The Ultimate Art
Affair. After
very successful premieres in Miami, Dubai and Basel
unfortunately ULTRA Shanghai in September, 2008 was censored and canceled. The
last spin-off was held at ULTRA Lagos in 2010. The location for the next spin-off will be announced during the GALLERY WEAKEND BERLIN 29 April 2011 to 1 May 2011.
Each ULTRA ART AFFAIR will provide three sections: ultra-hip, ultra
conservative and ultra porous.
Furthermore thanks to our sponsors a prize called UHT will
be awarded.
Thinking of various stories about laundering
black money in the art market ironically this latest subtitled "ultimate" art
fair would be sponsored by a company producing products like Dawn/Fairy Ultra
which are best for dish-washing on the toughest grease. And now they are working
harder than ever with 50% more deep cleaning power on plastics than before...
The Ultimate is a general term embracing the concept of an ultimate
supernatural reality which transcends material reality and from which, according
to a broad spectrum of Eastern philosophies and religions, material reality
derives. The Ultimate is generally non-anthropomorphic and may or may not
(depending on ones specific doctrine) possess discrete will, intelligence,
awareness or a personal nature.
On the other hand Ultimate (often called ultimate Frisbee) is
a competitive non-contact team sport played with a flying disc. The object
of the game is to score points by passing the disc into the opposing endzone,
similar to American football. Players may not run while holding the disc. Ultimate
is distinguished by its Spirit of the Game: the principles of fair play, sportsmanship,
and the joy of play.
Following both philiosophical and sportive ideas ULTRA
bad (
Magnificent TV)